Increasing prices for fuel and cars and the trend towards luxurious equipment mean that owners want to park their vehicles safely and protect them against damage and theft. Vandalism, fuel theft, storm damage, such as, hail and damage by martens and cats are the most frequent causes. The vehicle is only really protected in a closed garage. COMFORT-PARKING at Düsseldorf airport offers this desirable service.

You can see how seriously we take the subject of safety from or booking form When making reservations using our homepage nobody has to give his address nor his bank details. This means that hackers cannot find out when your house or your bank account is unattended. In our opinion there are no safe data connections in the internet. This is always suggested to you when you submit personal data in the internet.

Your vehicle will be parked in a secure area that is not accessible to third parties. Our modern car park is also secured by video surveillance around the clock. Each vehicle is allocated a parking space that is 3 metres wide. The usual width is 2.30 metres (see pictures).

Advantages of COMFORT-PARKING Airport-Auto-Service: